"We have a lot of clients who seek a solution for reviews, online booking, and patient communication. While there are a lot of options on the market, we've found YAPI to be the most impressive and the best fit for our customers. We love the product that Gina and Ken have built, we love the company's values and cultural alignment, and the way they treat their customers really resonated and reminded me of how we treat our own.

In the dental industry today, there is a lot of bad behavior for how companies treat dentists, and its sometimes risky to refer a client - but YAPI is a partner we can depend on to treat our clients with the respect they deserve, and deliver an excellent service to them which they very much need.

We're very committed to working with YAPI to combine our own website and marketing software with their back office systems, allowing better integration for marketing ROI reporting and a more seamless and integrated new patient experience. There is a lot of magic that can happen once the loop is closed and the PMS systems are talking to the marketing software - we're very excited to go down this road with YAPI to bring a much better new patient experience into existence for our mutual clients."

-Jeff Gladnick
On why GDW partnered with YAPI

What is YAPI?

Partner Benefits:

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Built in YAPI integrations on GDW platform

YAPI Integration:

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Creating a Great Dental Website with Jeff Gladnick

Let GDW Help You Integrate Your YAPI Services