Dental Marketing Resources

Software Update: Technology Page UI Overhaul

We decided that enough time had passed since we first introduced the technology page, so we were past due for a revisit. You’ll notice that the changes are minor, but they include an updated layout, as well as adding integrations to other areas of the website!

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You can still add an image showcasing the piece of technology with a description of it, but now there’s a modern look to the layout and is consistent with the look and feel of other pages on your website. 

The biggest change is being able to associate a technology entry to a service page. If a service is associated with the technology entry, there will be a line of text saying “Learn more about where we use this technology:” and a button to the associated service page will be added. To associate a technology to a service page, you can edit the entry and you will see a widget on the admin page that lists off the different services. 

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As mentioned, the changes are minor! They have been automatically applied to your website so no need to contact us if you want to make the update. If you have any questions or feedback we’d love to hear from you. 

Great Dental Websites Support Team

US: - (720) 399-7071